
장소대여 마지막 메뉴




페이지 정보

  • 작성자 : sgskim
  • 작성일 : 2008-09-25
  • 조회 : 1,365회


Hyeryun Choe & Michael Farzan 교수님은 부부로서 하바드의대 교수님이십니다. 김 진환 박사를 Post-Doc으로 채용한다는 최종 통보를 해 주셨습니다. 김 진환 박사는 청주대를 졸업한 후 경희의전 생화학분자생물학교실에서 6년반 공부한 끝에 금년 8월에 박사를 받았습니다. 논문은 Journal of Cell Science에 냈습니다. 우리 의대/의전원 학생들도 훌륭한 의학자가 되시기 바랍니다.

Hi Jin Hwan,

I have thought of this matter over, and decided that you would be a plus for the work we do here. So, I am offering you a postdoc position. About salary and other information necessary to obtain a visa, I will let you know as soon as I learn about them.

Regarding projects, things progress and change quite fast here. So, we can talk about it later, or when you are here. About experimental techniques, I think, what you have is more than enough. Techniques used to study viral entry step or to look for receptors are not very complicated. It won't take long to acquire them. So meanwhile, you may want to just read aobut viruses.

 I will email Donna, an administrator who takes care of processes necessary to hire new people, and cc you. She may contact you through me, but she may also contact you directly. Whenever you communicate her directly, cc me, so that I know what is going on. Good day, and I will talk to you later.


Dear Dr. Kim,
You are such a good mentor.  I hope I don't dissapoint Jinhwan as a mentor, after being used to a mentor like you.  Since you said his starting time does not matter, Jinhwan's coming here as soon as his visa is done would be good for me.  As you said visa could take very long, though.
We are visiting Korea around Apr 11th, my mother's 80th birthday.  If you want us to give talks, we both can do - I havn't asked Mike, but I don't think he will object - on two different subjects, but both on viruses (he on HIV-1, and I on viral receptors). I don't know if those talks would fit your department.
Thank you for being cosiderate and training Jinhwan.  I will do my best also.
Hyeryun Choe


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