
장소대여 마지막 메뉴



Harvard Medical School

페이지 정보

  • 작성자 : sgskim
  • 작성일 : 2008-04-08
  • 조회 : 2,184회


생화학, 분자생물학교실에서 박사 학위를 받은 정 념 박사가 Harvard Medical School로 post-doc을 가게 되었습니다. 정 념 박사는 조선족 중국 동포로서 장춘 대학에서 중의학을 전공한 사람입니다.
Harvard Medical School의 Augustine Choi와 Mary Choi 교수님은 부부 교수님인데 이번에 정 념 박사에게 좋은 기회를 주셨습니다.
Augustine Choi 은 HMS의 Brigham & Women's hopital의 Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine 의 과장님이시고, Mary Choi는 동일한 병원의 nephrology 부교수이십니다.

우리 경희의대, 경희의전원 학생들도 열심히 하여 좋은 기회들을 잡기 바랍니다.

Dear Dr. Yan Ding,

Thank you for your e-mail and your detailed research interest statement.  Congratulations on your manuscript in press for AJPath.  Very nice work! 

I'm pleased to offer you a position as a Research Fellow in Medicine at Harvard Medical School and the Renal Division of Brigham and Women's Hospital.  Your annual salary will be $35,000.00 and our office will assist you in obtaining the appropriate visa for you to move to Boston.  Please remember that we will need at least 3 months to process all the necessary paperwork.  If it is fine with you, I will forward your information to Dorothea Juno-Johnston who is our Credentialling Administrator and she will help you with the paperwork.  I am very excited that you will be joining our laboratory soon.  I am confident that you will thrive as a researcher at Harvard and I look forward to working closely with you.

Best Regards,


Professor Kim,

Thank you for your kind message. I&#39;d be very happy and honored to have the opportunity to visit your lab the next time I&#39;m in Korea.  I sent an e-mail to Dr. Yan Ding this past Friday, but I&#39;m not sure if I have the correct e-mail address.  Would you confirm her address:    <dingdingangela@yahoo.com.cn>

Meanwhile, I have already spoken to my Division Administrator about Dr. Ding&#39;s post-doctoral position and she agrees with your estimation of about 2-3 months for processing of visa and paperwork for her appointment with Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women&#39;s Hospital.  As soon as Dr. Ding communicates with me, we can proceed accordingly.

Thank you,

Mary E. Choi, M.D.
Associate Professor
Harvard Medical SchoolRenal
 Division, Brigham & Women&#39;s Hospita
l4 Blackfan CircleBoston,
MA  02115

Professor Kim,
I thank you for your email and inquiry of a postdoctoral position of your talented graduate student. I currently do not have a funded position in my lab as I filled my last position last month. However, I collaborate closely with my wife who is examining the signaling pathwaysof TGFb in various models of kindney injury, and is doing exciting workhere at Harvard. She is currently interviewing candidates at Harvard. I will discuss with her and send all of your files you sent me. I will also review options in other places in Harvard. I often like to meet post docs in person especially from Korea as I feel very responsible for their success in US both professionally and personally. I do not have plans to return to Korea till October and so it may be too late for Dr. Ding. My wife and I could perhaps communicate by email or phone with Dr. Ding. You mentioned that her husband is a neurosurgeon. What is his plans if Dr. Ding comes to US? Anyway, I will be in touch soon.
Thank you
Augustine M.K. Choi, MD
Parker B. Francis Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Chief, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Brigham and Women&#39;s HospitalHarvard Medical School 

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