전윤근 동문 Penn State Medical College에서 faculty 될 듯
페이지 정보
- 작성자 : sgskim
- 작성일 : 2008-01-23
- 조회 : 995회
아래 편지는 Penn State College of Medicine에서 재직하고 계시는 Jason K. Kim 교수님으로부터 온 e-mail 입니다. 전 윤근 동문이 그곳 교수로 채용될 것 같습니다. 경희의대/의전원 모든 분들의 성원을 바랍니다.
Dear Dr. Kim,
Thanks for the invitation, and I’m looking forward to the visit. John has been very productive during his research training and has already co-authored a publication (in Am. J. Physiol.) and a few abstracts that will be presented at the ADA meeting this year. With his interest in academic medicine, we (our department and the endocrinology division) are planning for his career advancement here. I think that he will do fine.
Best regards,
Jason K. Kim, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Director, Penn State Diabetes & Obesity Mouse Phenotyping Center
Department of Cellular & Molecular Physiology (H166)
Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine
500 University Drive, Room C4600D
Hershey, PA 17033-0850
Phone: (717) 531-8575
Fax: (717) 531-0077
E-mail: jason.kim@psu.edu
Dear Dr. Kim,
Thanks for the invitation, and I’m looking forward to the visit. John has been very productive during his research training and has already co-authored a publication (in Am. J. Physiol.) and a few abstracts that will be presented at the ADA meeting this year. With his interest in academic medicine, we (our department and the endocrinology division) are planning for his career advancement here. I think that he will do fine.
Best regards,
Jason K. Kim, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Director, Penn State Diabetes & Obesity Mouse Phenotyping Center
Department of Cellular & Molecular Physiology (H166)
Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine
500 University Drive, Room C4600D
Hershey, PA 17033-0850
Phone: (717) 531-8575
Fax: (717) 531-0077
E-mail: jason.kim@psu.edu