
장소대여 마지막 메뉴



Phonetics/UCLA Phonetics Lab Data

페이지 정보

  • 작성자 : 김용완
  • 작성일 : 2005-11-12
  • 조회 : 895회


Phon2/Phonetics beyond the basics/UCLA Phonetics Lab Data / Peter Ladefoged
Articulatory phonetics, Vowel chart. 
When I visit the above site and hear their vowel pronunciations, I feel/find
1. The speaker does not tense the upper/lower jaws sufficiently (therefore, inevitably using the tongue to fix the vowel positions and producing feeble/infirm/noisy/impure/abnormal sounds),
2. (Interestingly) placing cp on the vocal cords and tcrp at the lower trachea, except e(ε), æ, etc. since it is impossible to articulate/pronounce them as single vowels (instead of inverse diphthong) while putting cp/tcrp on the trachea.                I think he inevitably/unconsciously put cp/tcrp in Korean-(not English)-articulating style, because all vowels are pronounced (as a tail of [=]) on tcrp/cp, if cp/tcrp are in the mouth, and they are pronounced (as a head of [=]) on their own respective/various/different positions, not on tcrp/cp.         
3. Inverse(reverse) Ω equivalent to (voiced) [=] is heard at the lower trachea; Korean style.

Inverse diphthong possible (approximately) as follows; 
Ø; u + e(i)
œ: o (of diphthong oi/u) + e
θ; u(:) + e(i)
β; o (of “port”) + e
Œ; o (of diphthong oi/u) + æ 
З; i + e
inverse(reverse) Ω : voiced [=] at the lower trachea

SAMPA (Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet)
SAM (Speech Assessment Methods)
Professor John Wells, Professor of Phonetics in the University of London
UCLA Phonetics Lab Data / Vowels and Consonants / Peter Ladefoged

Forum: Comparative phonetics

The (comparative) study (in the structure/mode/way of phonetics, pronunciation, articulation, or whatever; that is, in the difference of speaking mouth postures and resultant speaking weight/force center points) between English/foreign languages and the mother tongue, for better (more practical/effective/smooth) hearing/speaking of English/foreign languages.         

Please visit the following site and participate the forum “comparative phonetics.”


(English HEARING에 관한) Book 소개

제목:  Master Key to English HEARING + pronunciation
부제:  한국인의 영어 청취/발음 장애 완전 해결
theme:  comparative phonetics (between English and Korean)     
저자: 김용완,            쪽수: 208 쪽      A4,        2005/03 출간
전시 및 구매처: 교보 문고 광화문 점과 강남 점 (외 다른 서점에는 공급하지 않고 있음)
Mesa 출판사,          Tel; 762-0856        Fax; 762-0870
ygwnkm@yahoo.co.kr            ygwnkm@hotmail.com         

많은 한국인(과 일본인?)의 숙원인, English를 포함한 영어권 언어의 hearing 및 발음 성취를 위해, 그리고 전 세계 (French, German 등을 포함한) 관련 교수진 등에 소개하고 있는 (그리고, 지금까지의 다른 관련 학설/서적과는 전혀 다른 차원/내용인) 상기 책(명)을, internet 상의 교보 문고 home page에서, 직접 입력/검색하시거나, [국내 도서 분류/외국어 > 일반 영어 > 영어 청취/발음 > 일반 > 출판일순]을 차례로 click 하여 들어가(2005/03 출간), (“미리 보기” 등을 click 하여) 머리말 등을 검토 하실 수 있습니다.               

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