
처음 메뉴 임상교실



박은정 교수

영문이름 -
Eun-Jung Park
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연구실 -
의과대학 510호
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1. 독성학/환경성질환
ㅇ 환경성질환 발생 기전 연구
ㅇ 환경 중 유해물질에 의한 호흡기 질환 발생 기전 연구
ㅇ 호흡기를 통해 유입된 환경 중 미세입자의 질환 발생 기전 연구
ㅇ 생활화학제품 속 화학물질의 호흡기 안전성 연구
ㅇ 제노나노물질의 독성 기전 연구
ㅇ 대체독성시험법 및 독성예측플랫폼 개발
1. 학력
ㅇ 2005.09.01 ∼2008.02.22 : 동덕여자대학교 약학대학원 (예방약학 전공, 박사)
* 박사 학위논문 제목: 미세먼지와 그 유해화학물질의 건강위해성평가
ㅇ 2003.03 ∼ 2004.08 : 삼육대학교 약학과 (면역학 전공, 박사과정 편입학)
ㅇ 1993.03 ∼ 1995.02 : 동덕여자대학교 약학대학원 (생약학 전공, 석사)
ㅇ 1986.03 ∼ 1990.02 : 동덕여자대학교 건강관리학과 (현, 보건관리학과)

2. 연구 및 교육 경력
ㅇ 2021.10.01 – 현재 : 경희대학교 의과대학 의예과 정교수
ㅇ 2021.04.01 – 현재 : 경희대학교 환경독성보건연구센터 센터장
ㅇ 2020.03.16 – 2021.09.30 : 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 정교수
ㅇ 2017.11.27 – 2020.03.15 : 경희대학교 동서의학대학원 정교수
ㅇ 2016.10 - 2017.11.26 : 아주대학교 의과대학 뇌과학과 연구강사
ㅇ 2011.09 - 2016.08 : 한국연구재단 대통령포스닥 펠로우쉽 1기 선정
- 2016 : USA National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (Exchange Visiting Researcher)
ㅇ 2010 : 국립환경과학원 위해성평가과 전문직연구원
ㅇ 2009 : 한국화학연구원 부설 안전성평가연구소 선임연구원
ㅇ 2008 : 동덕여자대학교 약학과 연구원

3. 사회활동 경력
ㅇ 농약안전성심의위원회 (독성분야) (2020- 현재)
ㅇ Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 편집위원 (2019.11 - 현재)
ㅇ 국가연구안전관리본부 연구실안전교육 전문가위원회 위원 (2019.10.18- 현재)
ㅇ 대한연구환경협회 상임이사 (2019.05.01- 현재는 회장)
ㅇ 인사혁신처, 공직인사혁신위원회 민간위원 (2018.06.25-현재 (2022.06.24) )

4. 주요 수상 경력
ㅇ 행정안전부 대통령표창 (사회혁신) 수상 (2019.12.27)
ㅇ 제 10회 홍진기 창조인상 (사회분야) 수상
ㅇ 2018, Highly Cited Researchers (세계 영향력 있는 1% 연구자)
ㅇ 동덕여자대학교 2018년 자랑스런 동문인상 수상
ㅇ 2017, Highly Cited Researchers (세계 영향력 있는 1% 연구자)
ㅇ 2016, Highly Cited Researchers(세계 영향력 있는 1% 연구자)
ㅇ 2015, 지식창조대상 (보건의료분야) 수상 (미래과학기술부 장관상)
- 저서
1. 2022. 햇빛도 때로는 독이다(경희출판사)
2. 2020. 차이나는 클라스, 의학-과학편(중앙북스, 공저)

- 국제학술지 논문
1. Yun Y, Han S, Park E, Yim D, Lee S, Lee CK, Cho K, Kim K. Immunomodulatory activity of betulinic acid by producing pro-inflammatory cytokines and activation of macrophages. 2003. Arch Pharm Res 26(12):1087-1095.
2. Park EJ, Park K. 2006. Gene expression profiles of cultures rat cardiomyocytes (H9C2) in response to Arsenic trioxide at subcytotoxic level and oxidative stress. Journal of Health science 52(5):512-521.
3. Park EJ, Park K. 2007. Induction of reactive oxygen species and apoptosis in BEAS-2B cells by mercuric chloride. Toxicol In Vitro 21(5):789-794.
4. Park EJ, Kim DS, Park K. 2008. Monitoring of ambient particles and heavy metals in a residential area of Seoul, Korea. Environ Monit Assess. 137(1-3):441-449.
5. Park EJ, Park K. 2008. Induction of oxidative stress in human Chang liver cells by octachlorostyrene, the persistent and bioaccumulative toxicant. Toxicol In Vitro 22(2):367-375.
6. Park EJ, Choi J, Park YK, Park K. 2008. Oxidative stress induced by cerium oxide nanoparticles in cultured BEAS-2B cells. Toxicology 245(1-2):90-100.
7. Park EJ, Yi J, Chung KH, Ryu DY, Choi J, Park K. 2008. Oxidative stress and apoptosis induced by titanium dioxide nanoparticles in cultured BEAS-2B cells. Toxicol Lett 180(3):222-229.
8. Park EJ, Park K. 2009. Oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory responses induced by silica nanoparticles in vivo and in vitro. 2009. Toxicol Lett 184(1):18-25.
9. Park EJ, Park K. 2009. Induction of pro-inflammatory signals by 1-nitropyrene in cultured BEAS-2B cells. Toxicol Lett 184(2):126-133.
10. Park EJ, Cho WS, Jeong J, Yi J, Choi K, Park K. 2009. Pro-inflammatory and potential allergic responses resulting from B cell activation in mice treated with multi-walled carbon nanotubes by intratracheal instillation. Toxicology 259(3):113-121.
11. Park EJ, Yoon J, Choi K, Yi J, Park K. 2009. Induction of chronic inflammation in mice treated with titanium dioxide nanoparticles by intratracheal instillation. Toxicology 16;260(1-3):37-46.
12. Acute toxicity and tissue distribution of cerium oxide nanoparticles by a single oral administration in rats. 박은정, 박영권, 박광식*. Toxicological Research. 2009.06.30. 25(2), 79-84. (KSCI에서 SCI로 승격)
13. Increased gene expression in cultured BEAS-2B cells treated with metal oxide nanoparticles. 박은정, 박광식*. Toxicological Research. 2009.12.31. 25(4), 195-201. (KSCI에서 SCI로 승격)
14. Gene expression Analysis of So Called Asian Dust Extracts in Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells. 최유진, Yin Hu-Quan, 박은정, 박광식, 김대선, 이병훈*. Toxicological Research. 2010.03.31. 26(1), 21-28. (KSCI에서 SCI로 승격)
15. Induction of inflammatory responses by carbon fullerene(C60) in cultured RAW264.7 cells and in intraperitoneally injected mice. 박은정*, 노진규, 김영훈, 박광식. Toxicological Research. 2010.12.31. 26(4), 267-273. (KSCI에서 SCI로 승격)
16. Park EJ, Park K. 2010. Induction of oxidative stress and inflammatory cytokines by manganese chloride in cultured T98G cells, human brain glioblastoma cell line. Toxicol In Vitro. 24(2):472-479.
17. Hong YC, Pan XC, Kim SY, Park K, Park EJ, Jin X, Yi SM, Kim YH, Park CH, Song S, Kim H. 2010. Asian Dust Storm and pulmonary function of school children in Seoul. Sci Total Environ 15;408(4):754-759.
18. Park EJ, Yi J, Kim Y, Choi K, Park K. 2010. Silver nanoparticles induce cytotoxicity by a Trojan-horse type mechanism. Toxicol In Vitro 24(3):872-878.
19. Park EJ, Kim H, Kim Y, Yi J, Choi K, Park K. 2010. Carbon fullerenes (C60s) can induce inflammatory responses in the lung of mice. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 244(2):226-233.
20. Park EJ, Roh J, Kim Y, Choi K. 2011. A single instillation of Amorphous Silica nanoparticles induced inflammatory responses and tissue damage until day 28 after exposure. Journal of Health Science 57(1):60-71.
21. Park EJ, Kim H, Kim Y, Park K. 2010. Intratracheal instillation of platinum nanoparticles may induce inflammatory responses in mice. Arch Pharm Res 33(5):727-735.
22. Park EJ, Kim H, Kim Y, Yi J, Choi K, Park K. 2010. Inflammatory responses may be induced by a single intratracheal instillation of iron nanoparticles in mice. Toxicology. 275(1-3):65-71.
23. Roh J, Park EJ, Park K, Yi J, Kim Y. 2010. Fast Preparation of citrate-stabilized silver nanoplates and its nanotoxicity. Korean J Chem Eng 27(6):1897-1900.
24. Ban JO, Kwak DH, Oh JH, Park EJ, Cho MC, Song HS, Song MJ, Han SB, Moon DC, Kang KW, Hong JT. 2010. Suppression of NF-kappaB and GSK-3beta is involved in colon cancer cell growth inhibition by the PPAR agonist troglitazone. Chem Biol Interact 188(1):75-85.
25. Park EJ, Cho WS, Jeon J, Yi JH, Choi K, Kim Y, Park K. 2010. Induction of inflammatory responses in mice treated with cerium oxide nanoparticles by intratracheal instillation. Journal of Health Science. 56(4):387-396.
26. Park EJ, Kim H, Kim Y, Choi K. 2011. Repeated dose toxicity attributed to aluminum nanoparticles following 28-day oral administration, particularly on gene expression in mouse brain. Toxicol Environ Chem 93(1):120-133.
27. Park EJ, Roh J, Kim Y, Park K, Kim DS, Yu SD. 2011. PM 2.5 collected in a residential area induced Th1-type inflammatory responses with oxidative stress in mice. Environ Res 111(3):348-355.
28. Park EJ, Choi K, Park K. 2011. Induction of inflammatory responses and gene expression by intratracheal instillation of silver nanoparticles in mice. Arch Pharm Res 34(2):299-307.
29. Park K, Park EJ, Chun IK, Choi K, Lee SH, Yoon J, Lee BC. 2011. Bioavailability and toxicokinetics of citrate-coated silver nanoparticles in rats. Arch Pharm Res 34(1):153-158.
30. Park EJ, Bae E, Yi J, Kim Y, Choi K, Lee SH, Yoon J, Lee BC, Park K. 2010. Repeated-dose toxicity and inflammatory responses in mice by oral administration of silver nanoparticles. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol 30(2):162-168.
31. Park EJ, Roh J, Kim SN, Kang MS, Lee BS, Kim Y, Choi S. 2011. Biological toxicity and inflammatory response of semi-single-walled carbon nanotubes. PLoS One 6(10):e25892.
32. Park EJ, Roh J, Kang MS, Kim SN, Kim Y, Choi S. 2011. Biological responses to diesel exhaust particles (DEPs) depend on the physicochemical properties of the DEPs. PLoS One 6(10):e26749.
33. Park EJ, Kim SA, Choi YM, Kwon HK, Shim W, Lee G, Choi S. 2011. Capric acid inhibits NO production and STAT3 activation during LPS-induced osteoclastogenesis. PLoS One 6(11):e27739.
34. Park EJ, Roh J, Kim SN, Kang MS, Han YA, Kim Y, Hong JT, Choi K. 2011. A single intratracheal instillation of single-walled carbon nanotubes induced early lung fibrosis and subchronic tissue damage in mice. Arch Toxicol 85(9):1121-1131.
35. Park EJ, Kwon HK, Choi YM, Shin HJ, Choi S. 2012. Doxorubicin induces cytotoxicity through upregulation of pERK-dependent ATF3. PLoS One 7(9):e44990.
36. Park EJ, Roh J, Kim SN, Kim Y, Han SB, Hong JT. 2013. CCR5 plays an important role in resolving an inflammatory response to single-walled carbon nanotubes. J Appl Toxicol 33(8):845-853.
37. Park EJ, Shim HW, Lee GH, Kim JH, Kim DW. 2013. Comparison of toxicity between the different-type TiO₂ nanowires in vivo and in vitro. Arch Toxicol 87(7):1219-1230.
38. Park EJ, Umh HN, Kim SW, Cho MH, Kim JH, Kim Y. 2014. ERK pathway is activated in bare-FeNPs-induced autophagy. Arch Toxicol 88(2):323-336.
39. Park EJ, Lee AY, Chang SH, Yu KN, Kim JH, Cho MH. 2014. Role of p53 in the cellular response following oleic acid accumulation in Chang liver cells. Toxicol Lett 224(1):114-120.
40. Park EJ, Lee GH, Shim HW, Kim JH, Cho MH, Kim DW. 2014.Comparison of toxicity of different nanorod-type TiO2 polymorphs in vivo and in vitro. J Appl Toxicol 34(4):357-366.
41. Park EJ, Zahari NE, Lee EW, Song J, Lee JH, Cho MH, Kim JH. 2014. SWCNTs induced autophagic cell death in human bronchial epithelial cells. Toxicol In Vitro. 28(3):442-450.
42. Park EJ, Lee AY, Park S, Kim JH, Cho MH. 2014. Multiple pathways are involved in palmitic acid-induced toxicity. Food Chem Toxicol 67:26-34.
43. Park EJ, Umh HN, Choi DH, Cho MH, Choi W, Kim SW, Kim Y, Kim JH. 2014. Magnetite- and maghemite-induced different toxicity in murine alveolar macrophage cells. Arch Toxicol 88(8):1607-1618.
44. Park EJ, Sim J, Kim Y, Han BS, Yoon C, Lee S, Cho MH, Lee BS, Kim JH. 2015. A 13-week repeated-dose oral toxicity and bioaccumulation of aluminum oxide nanoparticles in mice. Arch Toxicol 89(3):371-379.
45. Park EJ, Lee GH, Yoon C, Kang MS, Kim SN, Cho MH, Kim JH, Kim DW. 2014. Time-dependent bioaccumulation of distinct rod-type TiO2 nanoparticles: Comparison by crystalline phase. J Appl Toxicol 34(11):1265-1270.
46. Park EJ, Zahari NE, Kang MS, Lee Sj, Lee K, Lee BS, Yoon C, Cho MH, Kim Y, Kim JH. 2014. Toxic response of HIPCO single-walled carbon nanotubes in mice and RAW264.7 macrophage cells. Toxicol Lett 229(1):167-177.
47. Park EJ, Lee GH, Han BS, Lee BS, Lee S, Cho MH, Kim JH, Kim DW. 2015. Toxic response of graphene nanoplatelets in vivo and in vitro. Arch Toxicol 89(9):1557-1568.
48. Park EJ, Choi DH, Kim Y, Lee EW, Song J, Cho MH, Kim JH, Kim SW. 2014. Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles induce autophagy preceding apoptosis through mitochondrial damage and ER stress in RAW264.7 cells. Toxicol In Vitro 31;28(8):1402-1412.
49. Park EJ, Lee SY, Lee GH, Kim DW, Kim Y, Cho MH, Kim JH. 2014. Sheet-type titania, but not P25, induced paraptosis accompanying apoptosis in murine alveolar macrophage cells. Toxicol Lett 230(1):69-79.
50. Park EJ, Lee GH, Shim JH, Cho MH, Lee BS, Kim YB, Kim JH, Kim Y, Kim DW. 2015. Comparison of the toxicity of aluminum oxide nanorods with different aspect ratio. Arch Toxicol 89(10):1771-1782.
51. Lee AY, Han YA, Kim JE, Hong SH, Park EJ, Cho MH. 2015. Saururus chinensis Baill induces apoptosis through endoplasmic reticulum stress in HepG2 hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Food Chem Toxicol 83:183-192.
52. Lee S, Kim JE, Hong SH, Lee AY, Park EJ, Seo HW, Chae C, Philip D, David B, Cho MH. 2015. High inorganic phosphate intake promotes tumorigenesis at early stages in a mouse model of lung cancer. PLoS One, 10(8):e0135582.
53. Park EJ, Oh SY, Lee SJ, Lee K, Kim Y, Lee BS, Kim JS.2015. Chronic pulmonary accumulation of iron oxide nanoparticles induced Th1-type immune response stimulating the function of antigen-presenting cells. Environ Res 143(Pt A):138-147.
54. Park EJ, Oh SY, Kim Y, Yoon C, Lee BS, Kim SD, Kim JS. 2016. Distribution and immunotoxicity by intravenous injection of iron nanoparticles in a murine model. J Appl Toxicol 36(3):414-423.
55. Park EJ, Lee GH, Yoon C, Jeong U, Kim Y, Cho MH, Kim DW. 2016. Biodistribution and toxicity of spherical aluminum oxide nanoparticles. J Appl Toxicol 36(3):424-433.
56. Park EJ, Kim SN, Kang MS, Lee BS, Yoon C, Jeong U, Kim Y, Lee GH, Kim DW, Kim JS. 2016. A higher aspect ratio enhanced bioaccumulation and altered immune responses due to intravenously-injected aluminum oxide nanoparticles. J Immunotoxicol 13(4):439-448.
57. Park EJ, Kim SW, Yoon C, Kim Y, Kim JS. 2016. Disturbance of ion environment and immune regulation following biodistribution of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles injected intravenously. Toxicol Lett 243:67-77.
58. Park EJ, Hong YS, Lee BS, Yoon C, Jeong U, Kim Y. 2016. Single-walled carbon nanotubes disturbed the immune and metabolic regulation function 13-weeks after a single intratracheal instillation. Environ Res 148:184-195.
59. Park EJ, Lee GH, Yoon C, Kim DW. 2016. Comparison of distribution and toxicity following repeated oral dosing of different vanadium oxide nanoparticles in mice. Environ Res 150:154-165.
60. Park EJ, Choi J, Kim JH, Lee BS, Yoon C, Jeong U, Kim Y. 2016. Subchronic immunotoxicity and screening of reproductive toxicity and developmental immunotoxicity of following single instillation of HIPCO-single-walled carbon nanotubes: Purity-based comparison. Nanotoxicology 10(8):1188-1202. 
61. Park EJ, Lee SJ, Lee K, Choi YC, Lee BS, Lee GH, Kim DW. 2017. Pulmonary persistence of graphene nanoplatelets may disturb physiological and immunological homeostasis. J Appl Toxicol 37(3):296-309.
62. Park EJ, Jeong U, Yoon C, Kim Y. 2016. Comparison of distribution and toxicity of different types of zinc-based nanoparticles. Environ Toxicol 32(4):1363-1374.
63. Park EJ, Jeong U, Kim Y, Lee BS, Cho MH, Go YS. 2017. Deleterious effects in reproduction and developmental immunity elicited by pulmonary iron oxide nanoparticles. Environ Res 152:503-513.
64. Park EJ, Lee GH, Kim JC, Lee SJ, Lee Kyuhong, Lee BS, Chang J, Kim DW. 2017. Pulmonary glass particles may persist in the lung suppressing function of immune cells. Environ Toxicol 32(6) :1688-1700.
65. Park EJ, Chae JB, Kang S, Lyu J, Jeong U, Yeom C, Kim Y, Chang J. 2017. Nano-sized iron particles may induce multiple pathways of cell death following generation of mistranscripted RNA in human corneal epithelial cells. Toxicol In Vitro. 42:348-357.
66. Park EJ, Lee GH, Yoon C, Jeong U, Kim Y, Chang J, Kim DW. 2017. Tissue distribution following 28-day repeated oral administration of aluminum-based nanoparticles with different properties and the in vitro toxicity. J Appl Toxicol. 37(12):1408-1419.
67. Park EJ, Chae JB, Lyu J, Yoon C, Kim S, Yeon C, Kim Y, Chang J. 2017. Ambient fine particulate matters induce cell death and inflammatory response by influencing mitochondria function in human corneal epithelial cells. Environ Res 159:595-605.
68. Park EJ, Kim S, Chang J. 2018. Methylisothiazolinone may induce cell death and inflammatory response through DNA damage in human liver epithelium cells. Environ Toxicol 33(2):156-166.
69. Park EJ, Lee SJ, Lee GH, Kim DW, Yoon C, Lee BS, Kim Y, Chang J, Lee K. 2018. Comparison of subchronic immunotoxicity of four different types of aluminum-based nanoparticles. J Appl Toxicol 38(4):575-584.
70. Lee AY, Lee JW, Kim JE, Mock HJ, Park S, Kim S, Hong SH, Kim JY, Park EJ, Kang KS, Kim KP, Cho MH. 2017. Dihydroceramide is a key metabolite that regulates autophagy and promotes fibrosis in hepatic steatosis model. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 494(3-4): 460-469.
71. Park EJ, Khaliullin TO, Shurin MR, Kisin ER, Yanamala N, Fadeel B, Chang J, Shvedova AA. 2018. Fibrous nanocellulose, crystalline nanocellulose, carbon nanotubes, and crodidolite asbestos elicit disparate immune responses upon pharyngeal aspiration in mice. J Immunotoxicol 15(1):12-23.
72. Park EJ, Park SJ, Kim S, Lee K, Chang J. 2018. Lung fibroblasts may play an important role in clearing apoptotic bodies of bronchial epithelial cells generated by exposure to PHMG-P-containing solution. Toxicol Lett 286:108-119.
73. Park EJ, Lee HS, Lee SJ, Park YJ, Park SI, Chang J, Lee K. 2018. Cigarette smoke condensate may disturb immune function with apoptotic cell death by impairing function of organelles in alveolar macrophages. Toxicol In Vitro 52:351-364.
74. Lee HS, Park YJ, Cho DW, Han SC, Jun SY, Jung GM, Lee WJ, Choi CM, Park EJ*, Pak SI. 2018. Repeated injection of KMRC011, a medical countermeasure for radiation, can cause adverse health effects in cynologus monkeys. J Appl Toxicol, 39(2):294-304.
75. Park EJ, Park YJ, Lee SJ, Lee K. 2019. Cigarette smoke extract may induce lysosomal storage disease-like adverse health effects. J Appl Toxicol 39(3):510-524.
76. Park EJ, Park YJ, Lee SJ, Lee K, Yoon C. 2019. Whole cigarette smoke condensates induce ferroptosis in human bronchial epithelial cells. Toxicol Lett 303:55-66.
77. Han S, Park YJ, Park EJ, Kim Y. 2019. T98G cell death induced by photothermal treatment with hollow gold nanoshell-coupled silica microrods prepared from Escherichia coli. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 11(9):8831-8837.
78. Park EJ, Seong E, Kim Y, Lee K. 2019. Ammonium lauryl sulfate-induced apoptotic cell death may be due to mitochondrial dysfunction triggered by caveolin-1. Toxicol In Vitro 57:132-142.
79. Kaowinn S, Seo EJ, Heo W, Bae JH, Park EJ, Lee S, Kim YJ, Koh SS, Jang IH, Shin DH, Chung YH. 2019. Cancer upregulated gene 2(CUG2), a novel oncogene, promotes stemness-like properties via the NPM1-TGF-β signaling axis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 514(4):1278-1284.
80. Park EJ, Han JS, Seong E, Park EJ, Lee BS, Lee SJ, Lee K. 2020. Inhaled Kathon may induce eosinophilia-mediated disease in the lung. Environ Toxicol. 35(1):27-36.
81. Park EJ, Seong E. 2020. Methylisothiazolinone induces apoptotic cell death via matrix metalloproteinase activation in human bronchial epithelial cells. Toxicol In Vitro. 62;104661
82. Lee HS, Cho DW, Han JS, Han SC, Woo SK, Jun SY, Lee WJ, Yoon S, Pak SI, Lee SJ, Seong E, Park EJ. 2020. KMRC011, an agonist of toll-like receptor 5, mitigates irradiation-induced tissue damage and mortality in cynomolgus monkeys. J Immunotoxicol. 17(1):31-42
83. Han HY, Yan MJ, Yoon C, Lee GH, Kim DW, Kim TW, Kwak M, Heo MB, Lee TG, Kim S, Oh JH, Lim HJ, Oh I, Yoon S, Park EJ. 2021. Toxicity of orally administered food-grade titanium dioxide nanoparticles. J Appl Toxicol 2020:1-21.
84. Park EJ, Han JS, Park EJ, Seong E, Lee GH, Kim DW, Son HY, Han HY, Lee BS. 2020. Repeated-oral dose toxicity of polyethylene microplastics and the possible implications on reproduction and development of the next generation. Toxicol Lett. 324:75-85.
85. Han HY, Cho JW, Seong E, Park EJ, Lee GH, Kim DW, Yang YS, Oh JH, Yoon S, Lee TG, Kim TW, Park EJ. 2020. Amorphous silica nanoparticle-induced pulmonary inflammatory response depends on particle size and is sex-specific in rats. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 390:114890
86. Kang LJ, Oh E, Cho C, Kwon H, Lee CG, Jeon J, Lee H, Choi S, Han SJ, Nam J, Song CU, Jung H, Kim HY, Park EJ, Choi EJ, Kim J, Eyun SI, Yang S. 2020. 3’-Sialyllactose prebiotics prevents skin inflammation via regulatory T cell differentiation in atopic dermatitis mouse models. Sci Rep 10(1);5603.
87. Park EJ, Seong E, Kang MS, Lee GH, Kim DW, Han JS, Lim HJ, Lee SH, Han HY. F. 2020. Formation of lamellar body-like structure may be an initiator of didecyldimethylammonium chloride-induced toxic response. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 404:115182.
88. Park EJ, Kim SN, Lee GH, Cho YM, Yoon C, Kim DW, Cho JW, Han JS, Lee SJ, Seong E, Park EJ, Lee HS. 2020. Inhaled underground subway dusts may stimulate multiple pathways of cell death signals and disrupt immune balance. Environ Res 191;109839.
89. Park EJ, Yoon C, Han JS, Lee GH, Kim DW, Park EJ, Lim HJ, Kang MS, Han HY, Seol HJ, Kim KP. 2021. Effect of PM10 on pulmonary immune response and fetus development. Toxicol Lett 339:1-11.
90. Jana B, Kim D, Choi H, Kim M, Kim B, Kim S, Jin S, Park MH, Lee KH, Yoon C, Lee BS, Kang MS, Lim HJ, Park EJ (Co-corresponding author), Jeong Y, Ryu JH, Kim C. 2021. Drug resistance-free cytotoxic nanodrugs in composites for cancer therapy. J Mater Chem B. 9, 3143.
91. Park EJ, Kang MS, Lim HJ, Kang TK, Jin SW, Lee SH, Baek SH, Kang JW. 2021. Detection of intracellular lamellar bodies as a screening marker for fibrotic lesions. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 418:115501.
92. Park EJ, Kim SN, Lim, HJ, Cho JW, Yoon C, Lee GH, Kim DW, Park J, Choi I, Lee SH, Song J, Kang MS. Repeated intratracheal instillation of zinc oxide nanoparticles induced pulmonary damage and a systemic inflammatory response in cynomolgus monkeys, Nanotoxicology, 15(5): 621-635.
93. Park EJ, Jin SW, Lim HJ, Kim HY, Kang MS, Yang S. Whole Cigarette Smoke. Condensates Induce Accumulation of Amyloid Beta Precursor Protein with Oxidative Stress in Murine Astrocytes. 2021. Toxics. 9(7):150.
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