오창모 교수
- 영문이름 -
- Chang-Mo Oh
- 교실 -
- 예방의학교실
- 전공 -
- 물리화학
- 연락처 -
- 02-961-2265
- 연구실 -
- 의과대학 305호
- E-mail -
- kachas@naver.com
- 암역학
- ‘12~’13 국립암센터 암등록사업과 전임의
- ‘14~’16 국립암센터 암등록사업과 주임연구원
- ‘14~’16 국립암센터 암등록사업과 주임연구원
- 대한예방의학회 전공의수련교육위원회 위원
- 국제학술지 Tumori international editor
- 국제학술지 Tumori international editor
- Oh C, Oh I, Lee J, Park YH, Choe B, Yoon T, et al. Blood cadmium levels are associated with a decline in lung function in males. Environ Res. 2014;132:119-25.
- Oh C, Won Y, Cho H, Lee J, Park BY, Jun JK, et al. Alanine aminotransferase and gamma?glutamyl transferase have different dose?response relationships with risk of mortality by age. Liver International. 2016;36(1):126-35.
- Oh CM, Won YJ, Jung KW, Kong HJ, Cho H, Lee JK, et al. Cancer statistics in korea: Incidence, mortality, survival, and prevalence in 2013. Cancer Res Treat. 2016;48(2):436-50.
- Park S, Oh CM, Cho H, Lee JY, Jung KW, Jun JK, et al. Association between screening and the thyroid cancer "epidemic" in south korea: Evidence from a nationwide study. BMJ. 2016:355:i5745.
- Oh C, Won Y, Cho H, Lee J, Park BY, Jun JK, et al. Alanine aminotransferase and gamma?glutamyl transferase have different dose?response relationships with risk of mortality by age. Liver International. 2016;36(1):126-35.
- Oh CM, Won YJ, Jung KW, Kong HJ, Cho H, Lee JK, et al. Cancer statistics in korea: Incidence, mortality, survival, and prevalence in 2013. Cancer Res Treat. 2016;48(2):436-50.
- Park S, Oh CM, Cho H, Lee JY, Jung KW, Jun JK, et al. Association between screening and the thyroid cancer "epidemic" in south korea: Evidence from a nationwide study. BMJ. 2016:355:i5745.