
기초교실 교수활동 - 실천



윤성상 [주임] 교수

영문이름 -
Yoon Sung-Sang
교실 -
전공 -
중추신경 감염학, 신경계의 전기생리학적 검사, 근육질환, 신경근접합부질환, 탈수초성질환
연락처 -
연구실 -
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홈페이지 -
비고 -
- 두통, 뇌졸중의 역학, 임상신경생리학, 말초신경학, 근육학, 탈수초성질환, 근전도학, 의학교육학
- 1986 ~ 1992. 경희대학교 의과대학 학사
- 1994 ~ 1996. 경희대학교 대학원 석사
- 2000 ~ 2003. 경희대학교 대학원 박사
- 1992 ~ 2003. 경희대학교 의과대학 부속병원 인턴
- 1993 ~ 2007. 경희대학교 의과대학 부속병원 신경과 전공의
- 1997. 신경과전문의면허 취득
- 2009. 중환자의학 세부전문의 자격 취득
- 2000 ~ 2002. 경희대학교병원 전임의
- 2002 ~ 2003. 경희대학교병원 임상전문교원
- 2003 ~ 2007. 경희대학교 의과대학 조교수
- 2007 ~ 2012. 경희대학교 의과대학 부교수
- 現 경희대학교 의과대학 교수
- 現 경희대학교병원 홍보부장 겸 신경과장

- 1. KMC IRB 0711-01 : 특발성 파킨슨병 환자를 대상으로 로피니롤 치료에서 로티고틴 경피 제제로 전환할 때의 안정성과 내약성 및 파킨슨 증상에 대한 효과를 평가하기 위한 3B상, 공개, 다기관 임상시험 (PI)
- 2. KMC IRB 0830-01 : Probable Alzheimer type 치매환자에서 INM-176 1200mg~1600mg/day와 Donepezil 5~10mg/day의 안정성 및 유효성을 비교 평가하기 위한 무작위배정, 이중맹검, 이중위약, 다기관, 평행군 제 3상 임상시험 (PI)
- 3. KMC IRB 0879-01 : 알츠하이머 병의 진행에 대하여 감마-secretase 저해제인 LY450139의 효과를 보기위한 위약대조시험 (PI)
- 4. KMC IRB 0906-05 : 순응도, 대처, 및 간호사 지지에 관한 전향적 베타페론 연구 (PI)
- 5. KMC IRB 0906-09 : 알츠하이머 병의 진행에 대한 수동 면역의 효과 : Solanezumab(LY2062430) 대 위약 (PI)
- 6. KMC IRB 1003-03 : 급성뇌졸중 환자의 아형에 따른 입원 진료비 분석 (PI)
- 7. KMC IRB 1010-03 : 허혈성 뇌졸중 환자의 침치료 이용에 영향을 미치는 요인 (PI)
- 8. KMC IRB 1021-02 : 경증에서 중등증 알츠하이머병 환자에서 세마가세스타트의 내약성 및 생체 표지자 평가 (PI)
- 9. KMC IRB 1023-04 : 뇌경색 입원환자의 의료보장 유형이 의료서비스 이용에 미치는 영향 (PI)
- 10. KMC IRB GS 1034-05 : 허혈성 뇌졸중 환자에서 Cytochrome P450 2C19 유전자형에 따라서 Triflusal과 clopidogrel의 뇌졸중 재발 방지효과에 차이가 있음을 평가하는 다기관 제 4상 임상시험 (PI)
- 11. KMC IRB 1101-01 : 급성뇌졸중 환자의 중등도에 따른 입원 진료비 분석 (PI)
- 12. KMC IRB 1118-02 : 한국에서 지질강하제를 복용중인 이상지질혈증 환자의 목표 콜레스테롤 수치 달성율과 관련 인자에 관한 연구 (PI)
- 13. KMC IRB 1119-08 : 카나브정 60mg, 120mg(피마살탄) 시판 후 조사 (PI)
- 14. KMC IRB 1219-01 : 2000-2010년 뇌졸중 환자의 입원 진료 현황과 추세 : 재원기간과 진료비를 중심으로 (PI)
- 유럽신경과학회 정회원
- 대한신경과학회 법제위원
- 대한임상신경생리학회 학술위원
- 대한신경중환자학회 학술위원
- 대한뇌졸중학회 정회원
- 대한중환자의학회 정회원
- 대한간질학회 정회원
- 대한두통학회 정회원
- 한국의학교육학회 정회원
- 대한치매학회 정회원
- 대한신경과학회 협력이사
- 대한임상신경생리학회 홍보이사
- The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine : reviewer (SCI)
- Internal Medicine : reviewer (SCIE)
- Journal of Clinical Neurology : reviewer (SCIE)
- Journal of Korean Neurological Association : reviewer (학술진흥공단 등재학술지)
- 1. 강은정, 김동진, 선우덕, 윤성상. 노인의 의료비 분석을 통한 노인건강관리체계 구축방안(Development of Health Care System for the Elderly with Medical Expenditure Analysis). 한국보건사회연구원. 예원기획. 2006. (ISBN 978-89-8187-395-0)
- 2. 윤성상 외 54명. 기본진료수행지침. (사)한국의과대학,의학전문대학원장 협회. 아람에이트. 2010 (ISBN 978-89-962919-1-6)
- 3. 윤성상 외 54명. 기본임상술기지침. (사)한국의과대학,의학전문대학원장 협회. 아람에이트. 2010 (ISBN 978-89-962919-1-6)
- 4. 임영진, 박봉진, 권정택, 고준석, 황승균, 이관성, 방재승, 최석근, 윤성상. 뇌졸중의 visual text ? 질환별 진단, 치료, 예방, 재활을 중심으로 한 ? 서울 메드-메디아. 2011. (ISBN 978-89-93328-09-7)
- 1. Heo SH, Yi SH, Lee DK, Hwang KJ, Jung YJ, Park KC, Ahn TB, Yoon SS, Chung KC, Chang DI. Prediction of hemorrhagic transformation and functional outcome using HAT score in acute ischemic stroke patients treated with intravenous alteplase. J Korean Neurol Assoc 30(2): 110-115, 2012. (공동저자)
- 2. Son SH, Choi HY, Kim SB, Shin WC, Park KC, Yoon SS, Rhee HY. Acute cerebral infarction related to stenosis of accessory middle cerebral artery. Korean J Stroke 14(1):43-45 2012 (공동저자)
- 3. Yoon SS, Chang H, Kwon YD. Itemized Hospital Charges for Acute Cerebral Infarction Patients Influenced by Severity in an Academic Medical Center in Korea. J Clin Neurol 8:58-64 2012. (제1저자)
- 4. Ku BD, Rhee HY, Yoon SS. Contralateral glossoplegia in a lower pontine infarction. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. XXX X:XXX-XXX 2012. (공동저자) in Press
- 5. Lee DK, Lee SW, Yoon SS, Ahn TB. Eosinophilic Meningitis without Peripheral Eosinophilia. Eur Neurol. 67:217-219, 2012. (공동저자)
- 6. Jang JH, Kim EJ, Choi WS, Yoon SS, Heo SH. Neurosyphilis involving cranial nerves in brain stem : 2 case reports. J Korean Soc Radiol 66(8):11-15 2012. (공동저자)
- 7. Lee DK, Yoon SS. Delirium and acute confusional state. J Neurocrit Care 2011;4:25-34. (교신저자)
- 8. Ku BD, Rhee HY, Yoon SS. The Usefulness of the Source Images of Magnetic Resonance Angiogram in the Carotid Cavernous Fistula. Thescientificworldjournal. 11:2579-2581 2011. (공동저자)
- 9. Heo SH, Cho CH, Kim HO, Jo YH, Yoon KS, Lee JH, Park JC, Ahn TB, Chung KC, Yoon SS, Chang DI. Plaque Rupture is a Determinant of Vascular Events in Carotid Artery Atherosclerotic Disease: Involvement of Matrix Metalloproteinases 2 and 9. J Clin Neurol 7:69-76 2011. (교신저자)
- 10. Lee JS, Hwang KJ, Jung YJ, Rhee HY, Yoon SS. Isolated inferior rectus palsy from midbrain infarction. Korean J Stroke 13(2):96-98 2011 (교신저자)
- 11. Chang H, Kwon YD, Yoon SS. Utilization of acupuncture therapy as a supplement to conventional medical treatments for acute ischemic stroke patients in an academic medical center in Korea. Complement Ther Med 19:256-263 2011. (교신저자)
- 12. Ku BD, Park KC, Yoon SS. Dark green discoloration of the urine after prolonged propofol infusion : a case report. J Clin PharmaTher 36;734-736 2011. (공동저자)
- 13. Park KC, Yoon SS, Yoon JE, Rhee HY. A case of herpes zoster ophthalmicus with isolated trochlear nerve involvement. J Clin Neurol 7:47-49. 2011 (공동저자)
- 14. Ku BD, Yoon SS. Relapsing herpes simplex encephalitis resulting in Kluver-Bucy syndrome. .Intern Med 50:763-766. 2011 (공동저자)
- 15. Chang H, Kwon YD, Yoon SS. Impact of Health Insurance Type on Health Care Utilization in Patients with Acute Cerebral Infarction. J Korean Neurol Assoc 29(1): 9-15, 2011. (교신저자)
- 16. Park KC, Yoon SS, Rhee HY. Executive dysfunction associated with stroke in the posterior cerebral artery territory. J Clin Neurosci. 18(2):203-8. 2011. (공동저자)
- 17. Kwon YD, Yoon SS, Chang H. Association of Hospital Arrival Time with Modified Rankin Scale at Discharge in Patients with Acute Cerebral Infarction. Eur Neurol. 18;64(4):207-213, 2010. (공동저자)
- 18. Korean Multiple Sclerosis Study Group. Prevalence of multiple sclerosis in Korea. Neurology 75(16):1432-8, 2010. (공동저자)
- 19. Kim JH, Heo SH, Kim JH, Park KJ, Ahn TB, Yoon SS, Chung KC, Chang DI. Association of Serum Uric Acid With Early Prognosis Stratified by the Stroke Subtype in Patients With Moderate to Severe Ischemic Stroke. J Korean Neurol Assoc 27(3): 149-156, 2010. (공동저자)
- 20. Lee DK, Heo SH, Kwon SH, Park KC, Ahn TB, Yoon SS, Chang DI, Chung KC. Cerebral Infarction in a Young Female Patient With Renovascular Hypertension Caused by Fibromuscular Dysplasia. J Korean Neurol Assoc 27(4): 326-328, 2010. (공동저자)
- 21. Yoon SS, Park KJ. Glossoplegia in a small cortical infarction. BMJ Case Rep. 2009;2009:bcr2007116376. Epub 2009 Feb 18. (제1저자)
- 22. Chang H, Yoon SS, Kwon YD. Determinants of inpatient charges of acute stroke patients in two academic hospitals: Comparison of intracerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction. J Korean Neurol Assoc 27(3): 215-222, 2009. (공동저자)
- 23. Park KC, Yoon SS, Seo KH. Splenium or parahippocampus involvement and its relationship to cognitive decline in posterior cerebral artery infarction. J Clin Neurosci 17(7): 914-917, 2009. (공동저자)
- 24. Park KC, Yoon SS. Dissociative disturbance in Hangul-Hanja reading after a left posterior occipital lesion. Behavioral neurology 20(1): 11-15. 2009. (공동저자)
- 25. Yoon SS, Na DL, Park KC. Retrograde amnesia associated with fornix lymphoma. Eur Neurol. 60(3):155-158. 2008 (제1저자)
- 26. Park KC, Kim JH, Yoon SS, Heo SH. Takayasu's disease presenting with atherothrombotic ischaemic stroke. Neurol Sci. 29(5):363-6. 2008 (공동저자)
- 27. Yi SH, Park KC, Yoon SS, Kim EJ, Shin WC. Relationship between clinical course and diffusion-weighted MRI findings in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Neurol Sci. 29(4):251-255. 2008. (공동저자)
- 28. Kim JH, Lee SA, Ahn TB, Yoon SS, Park KC, Chang DI, Chung KC. Polyneuropathy and cerebral infarction complicating scrub typhus. J Clin Neurol. 4(1):36-39. 2008. (공동저자)
- 29. Ku BD, Park KC, Yoon SS. Medically treated deep neck abscess presenting with occipital headache and meningism. J Headache Pain. 9(1):47-50. 2008. (공동저자)
- 30. Park KC, Yoon SS, Chang DI, Chung KC, Ahn TB, Ku BD, Adair JC, Na DL. Amnesic syndrome in a mammillothalamic tract infarction. J Korean Med Sci. 22(6):1094-1097. 2007. (공동저자)
- 31. Yoon SS, Park KC. Glossoplegia in a small cortical infarction. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 78(12):1372. 2007. (제1저자)
- 32. Heo SH, Lee MS, Ahn TB, Park KC, Yoon SS, Chang DI, Chung KC. A Case of Unilateral Hemispheric Encephalitis. Neurol Sci. 28(4):185-187. 2007. (공동저자)
- 33. Lee SB, Lee YH, Rhee HY, Yoon SS, Ahn TB, Chang DI, Chung KC, Park KJ. A Case of Occipital Condyle Syndrome Associated with Hepatocellular Carcinoma. J Korean Neurol Assoc 25(3): 413~415, 2007. (공동저자)
- 34. Yi SH, Ahn TB, Park KC, Yoon SS, Chang DI, Chung KC. A Case of Isolated Traumatic Caudate Lesion with Marked Improvement in Visuospatial Function by Donepezil. J Korean Neurol Assoc 25 (3) : 377~380, 2007. (공동저자)
- 35. Chang H, Yoon SS, Kwon YD. Knowledge extraction from Hospital Information System : Using the Integrated Database of Electronic Medical Record and Parient Management System. J Korean Soc Med Inform. 13(2):115-122. 2007. (공동저자)
- 36. Heo SH, Chang DI, Seo KH, Bu SH, Kang MC, Lee SB, Park KC, Ahn TB, Yoon SS, Chung KC. Clinical Characteristics of Nonagenarian Stroke. J Korean Neurol Assoc 25(2): 137-142, 2007. (공동저자)
- 37. Kwon YD, Yoon SS, Chang HJ. Impact of an early hospital arrival on treatment outcomes in acute ischemic stroke patients. J Prev Med Public Health. 40(2):130-6. 2007. (공동저자)
- 38. Heo SH, Kim JH, Ahn TB, Kim EJ, Park KJ, Yoon SS, Chang DI, Chung KC. A Case Suggesting Spontaneous Spinal Cord Herniation Presented as Brown-Sequard Syndrome. J Korean Neurol Assoc 25(1): 133~135, 2007. (공동저자)
- 39. Bu SH, Yoon SS, Chang H, Kwon YD, Park KC, Ahn TB, Chang DI, Chung KC. Comparison of the NIH Stroke Scale and the Modified NIH Stroke Scale by Classification and Location of Cerebral Infarction. J Korean Neurol Assoc 24 (2) : 112~116, 2006. (교신저자)
- 40. Yoon SS, Bu SH, Park KC, Chang H, Kwon YD. Validity and Reliability of Retrospective NIH Stroke Scale Assessment for Initial Stroke Severity. J Korean Neurol Assoc 24 (1) : 14~20, 2006. (제1저자)
- 41. Park KC, Lee BH, Kim EJ, Shin MH, Choi KM, Yoon SS, Kwon SU, Chung CS, Lee KH, Heilman KM, Na DL.Deafferentation-disconnection neglect induced by posterior cerebral artery infarction. Neurology. 66(1):56-61. 2006 (공동저자)
- 42. Yoon KW, Rhee HY, Ahn TB, Yoon SS, Chang DI, Chung KC. Compressive Myelopathy due to Ossification of Ligamentum Flavum in a Patient with Primary Hypoparathyroidism. J Korean Neurol Assoc 23 (5) : 730~731, 2005. (공동저자)
- 43. Yoon SS, Heo SH, Park KC, Chang HJ, Ahn TB, Chang DI, Chung KC, Kwon YD. The Usage of Intravenous Heparin in Acute Ischemic Stroke in 10 Teaching Hospitals. J Korean Neurol Assoc 23(4): 446~450, 2005. (제1저자)
- 44. Chung SH, Lee SB, Kang MC, Yoon SS, Lee HJ, Chung KC. A Case of Spontaneous Pneumocephalus Associated with Pneumococcal Meningitis. J Korean Neurol Assoc 23(3) : 425~427, 2005. (공동저자)
- 45. Chang DI, Lee MS, Cho SH, Bu SH, Chung SH, Heo SH, Yoon KW, Ahn TB, Yoon SS, Chung KC. Incidence of Patent Foramen Ovale in Ischemic Stroke Patients: A Transcranial Doppler Study. J Korean Neurol Assoc 23(3): 313~317, 2005. (공동저자)
- 46. Lee MS, Heo SH, Ahn TB, Yoon SS, Chang DI, Chund KC. A Case of Guillain-Barre Syndrome Presented with Isolated Internal Ophthalmoplegia and Babinski Sign. J korean Neurol Assoc 22(1): 93~94, 2004. (공동저자)
- 47. Lee SM, Lee JW, Yoon SS, Cho SH, Chang DI, Chung KC. Delayed Radiation Myelopathy: Serial Changes of MRI Findings. J korean Neurol Assoc 21(6): 675~678, 2003. (교신저자)
- 48. Yoon SS, Chang DI, Chung KC. Acute fatal stroke immediately following autologous fat injection into the face. Neurology. 2003 Oct 28;61(8):1151-1152. (제1저자)
- 49. Yoon SS, Lee MS, Kim MH, Lee TG, Chang DI, Chung KC. "Mitochondrial Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction with Neurogenic Bladder Syndrome: Point Mutation at T8356C - A New Mitochondrial Disease?" J korean Neurol Assoc 21 (3) : 311~314, 2003. (제1저자)
- 50. Cho SH, Chung SH, Yoon SS, Lee JW, Chang DI, Chung KC. Parenchymal Brain Metastasis from Prostate Adenocarcinoma. J korean Neurol Assoc 21(5): 560~562, 2003. (공동저자)
- 51. Chang DI, Yoon SS, Shin WC, Chung KC. Intravenous rt-PA Fibrinolytic Therapy in Acute Carotid Territory Ischemic Stroke with Severe Neurologic Deficits : The Implication of Arterial Recanalization for Stroke Outcome. J korean Neurol Assoc 21(1): 1~6, 2003. (공동저자)
- 52. Oh JW, Lee SM, Yoon SS, Lee TG, Chang DI, Chung KC. Two Cases with Subacute Combined Degeneration Showing High Signal Lesion of the Spinal Cord on MR Imaging. J korean Neurol Assoc 20(2): 204~207, 2002. (교신저자)
- 53. Lee MS, Yoon SS, Lee TG, Chang DI, Chung KC. A Case of Mercury Intoxication Presenting Cerebellar Ataxia. J korean Neurol Assoc 20(4): 425~427, 2002. (공동저자)
- 54. Yoon SS, Chang DI, Chung KC. Ataxia in Thalamic Stroke. Korean-J-Neurology 14 (1) : 69~73, 1996. (제1저자)
- 55. Yoon SS, Chang DI, Chung KC, Suh JT, Koo HS. Neurologic Manifestations in Patients with Hypereosinophilia. Korean-J-Neurology 13 (3) : 623~630, 1995. (제1저자)
- 56. Chang DI, Yoon SS, Park KC, Yoon SS, Chung KC. Abnormalities of Coagulation System In Cerebral Infarction. Korean-J-Neurology 13 (2) : 194~198, 1995. (공동저자)
- 57. Yoon SS, Chang DI, Chung KC, Kim TS. A Case of Multifocal Cerebral Infarction Associated with Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum. Korean-J-Neurology 12 (1) : 159~163, 1994. (제1저자)
- 58. Chang DI, Yoon SS, Chung KC. Clinical Significance of Tumor Markers in A Patient with Recurrent CNS Non-Germinomatous Germ Cell Tumor. Korean-J-Neurology 12 (2) : 329~337, 1994. (공동저자)
- 59. Chang DI, Yoon SS, Chung KC. Caloric test and Polysomnography in the three patients with Palatal myoclonus. Korean-J-Neurology 11 (4) : 554~560, 1993. (공동저자)
- 60. Yoon SS, Chang DI, Chung KC. A Case of Diffuse Leukoencephalopathy Caused by 5-Fluorouracil Derivatives. Korean-J-Neurology 11 (3) : 471~473, 1993. (제1저자)

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